7 Days of Stay & Play Trampoline Fitness Challenge

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7 Days of Stay & Play Trampoline Fitness Challenge

Exercising may seem difficult to do at home, but we still need to keep our families active and healthy while staying in. 

Join us on our Trampoline At-Home Workout Journey!
You can easily work the 7 Days of Stay & Play Trampoline Fitness Challenge into the schedule for you and the kids! 
Here are 7 trampoline jumps and backyard exercises for you and your family to try in the comfort of your own backyard.
Make your goal to exercise for at least 10 minutes each day this week!
Day 1 – Tuck Jumps for 1 Minute
1. Starting point: Standing straight with hands at sides.
2. Mid move: In air, pull knees to chest, hands grasp around knees or ankles.
3. Landing: Body straight, arms straight above head.
Free Play Jump for 9 more minutes, for a 10-minute workout!

Day 2 - Jumping Jacks for 1 Minute
1. Starting point: Standing straight with feet on trampoline, arms at sides.
2. Mid move: Point legs out to the side, keeping legs straight; arms reach above head, clasping hands at top.
3. Landing: Land standing with legs straight like the starting point.                                                        
Free Play Jump for 9 more minutes, for a 10-minute workout!

Day 3 - Pike Jumps for 1 Minute
1. Starting point: Standing straight with feet on trampoline, arms at sides.
2. Mid move: Point legs out keeping them straight, parallel to the mat; reach with arms and point fingers to toes.
3. Landing: Land standing with legs straight like the starting point.
Free Play Jump for 9 more minutes, for a 10-minute workout! 

Day 4 - Straddle Jumps for 1 Minute
1. Starting point: Standing straight with feet on trampoline, arms at sides.
2. Mid move: Point legs out sideways at an approximate 90-degree angle apart, keeping legs straight; reach with arms and point fingers to toes.
3. Landing: Land standing with legs straight like the starting point. 
Free Play Jump for 9 more minutes, for a 10-minute workout! 

Day 5 - Star Jumps for 1 Minute
1. Starting point: Standing straight with feet on trampoline, arms at sides.
2. Mid move: Jump in the air getting enough height to create a star position at the top of your bounce.
3. Landing: Land standing with legs straight like starting point. 
Free Play Jump for 9 more minutes, for a 10-minute workout! 

Day 6 - Stomach crunches for 1 minute.
1. Lie down on your back on the trampoline. Plant your feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Bend your knees and place your arms across your chest. Contract your abs and inhale.
2. Exhale and lift your upper body, keeping your head and neck relaxed.
3. Inhale and return to the starting position.
Free Play Jump for 9 more minutes, for a 10-minute workout! 

Day 7 - Seat Drop for 1 Minute 
1. Starting point: Standing straight with hands at sides. 
2. Mid move: Jump up in the air, move legs forward. 
3. Landing: Landing on posterior with legs straight out in front, palms down with fingers pointed towards toes. 
Free Play Jump for 9 more minutes, for a 10-minute workout!

Remember the #1 rule – be safe! Have only 1 jumper at a time and no flips or tricks should be allowed on the trampoline. We hope this makes for a fun, quick fitness challenge the whole family can participate in. All it takes is 10 minutes a day and you'll see - you will probably be jumping much longer! 

Have fun and stay healthy!

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